
Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Week 2 – TPACK and Digital Pedagogy

This week in our tutorial we discussed what is digital pedagogy? and used the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework to put it into context. So keeping it as simple as possible, the readings this week suggest that digital pedagogy is responsibly using ICTs to enhance the learning experience for students in a way which would not be possible without those technologies. TPACK fits into this premise perfectly as the model (below) encourages combining pedagogy knowledge, content knowledge and technological knowledge to create an engaging and effective learning environment.

It was suggested we remodel the original TPACK model into a new one to give a different perspective however I found this one on Google images and I don’t think I could do a better job;


In regards to the learning theories I feel like TPACK introduced Connectivism to Constructivism, Cognitivism and Behaviourism and links them all together. I imagine that this will be met some resistance in schools as all change does so it especially important in our roles as pre-service teachers to consciously and consistently incorporate TPACK learning into our classroom… I know that’s what I plan to do!

Thanks for reading,



Image Acknowledgements:

TPACK model: using the TPACK image

TPACK work model: ESC407 Classroom Technologies

TPACK cartoon: Taking TPACK in New Directions



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