If you are anything like me, the four learning theories can
get a little jumbled from time to time in our first year status. Who founded
what and what is the premise of each seems to get easily confused. So I am going to give it my best to capture them
into a snap shot that will hopefully stick in my mind once and for all (with visuals of course, as any visual learner will include).
With its roots in behavioural psychology, the premise for behaviourism
is that learning is characterised by an observable change in behaviour. In other words you can measure learning by changes in behaviours. Skinner
is associated with the foundation of Behaviourism with a very structured system.
Introducing COGNITISM…
The theory behind cognitism is that by understanding how the
brain works, we can better understand the learning process. When we first process new information (eg. reading or listening) that information is stored in our 'sensory register' while we begin to warm up to the idea of absorbing it. Next it moves to our 'short term memory' as long as we do something with it, an activity perhaps enhanced by ICTs would be a great way to do this. Finally if we get involved with that information (blogging is a great example) and translate it into our own understanding it then goes to our 'long term memory' which is the goal of all learning. Piaget and Vygotsky
are considered founders of Cognitism.
The principle of constructivism is that learning is formed
upon social interactions within a learning community. Also attached to this
learning theory is Piaget and Vygotsky.
The learning theory for ‘the digital age’, supports the
notion that no longer is it possible to know everything, it is more important
to identify how and where to find the knowledge. Founded by George Siemens.
If you have stumbled across this post with also a little
confusion I hope this helps you, if you can think of a more succinct way of
describing the theories I would love to hear your perspective :)
Thanks for reading, Nicole. Image Acknowledgements:
Behaviourism blackboard: Behaviourist theory http://www.site.google.com
Will PressLever for Food: Pedagogy & development: behaviourist http://www.pedagogydevelopment-peta.blogspot.com
How Do We Learn?: http://www.googleimages.com
Cognitive Process: Cognitivism.org http://www.trtrifil.com
Constructivist building blocks: EdPsych Temple - History http://www.edpsychtemple.wikispaces.com
Class group: Constructivism - How to improve http://www.brainathlete.com
Connectivist tube map: Intergrating Technology in the Classroom http://www.preetisingh65.blogspot.com
Brain mind map: Connectivism - Dana Ed Tech blog http://www.sites.psu.edu
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